How is the tax I pay calculated?

The bright-line test calculates your net gain from a property transaction.

Let’s say you buy an investment property for $400k. Then you sell it for $500k a year later.

You made $100k, but you probably won’t pay tax on the entire gain. That’s because you’ll have incurred other costs like:

  • Real estate agent fees when you sold the property
  • The cost of renovations if you’ve made any improvements
  • Potentially buyers’ agent fees when you purchased the property
  • All of these costs are deducted from your gains.

The leftover amount is added to your income, and you pay tax as normal. Let’s go through an example.

Bobbie purchased a property for $400k in Dunedin a year ago. She then spent $40k renovating it, which increased its value.

Later, she sold it for $550k, attracting real estate fees of $25k.

She sold the property for $150,000 more than she bought it for. But she’s spent $65,000 renovating and selling it.

This means Bobbie only pays tax on the remaining $85,000 ($150,000 minus $65,000).

Because she earns $70,000 in salary, her tax rate for any extra income is 33 per cent.

That means 33 per cent of that $85k will be paid as tax – $28,050.

Her “take home” money is now $56,950.

Investors Owe $66K in TAX?! (Bright-line test)

What does the bright-line test not apply to?

The bright-line test doesn’t apply to every property. Here are the properties the test does not apply to:

#1 Your main home

The bright-line test intends to target short-term property speculators. That’s why it generally doesn’t apply to your main home. That means you can buy and sell your main home without paying taxes.

But you can only have one main home. That means if you buy a holiday home and sell it within the bright-line period, you’ll pay income tax on any net gain.

On top of this if you’ve ever rented out your own house, even for a short time, you may still have to pay the bright-line test. More on this below.

#2 Properties bought before July 2022

If you bought your property before July 2022, you will then be outside the bright line.

This shorter bright-line test applies to all properties no matter when you bought them. It’s not just properties bought after July 1.

If you currently have a five or 10-year bright-line test, it will go down to two years.

#3 Inherited property

The bright-line test also doesn’t cover inherited property.

If a parent dies and leaves the property to you and your siblings and you sell you don’t have to pay tax on any of it.

Again, there are some intricacies. We’ll discuss below.

#4 If you hold the property for more than your bright-line test (currently 2 years)

And, of course, if you buy a property and sell it over 2 years later you will also not pay tax on the gains. This is true, even if it was an investment property.

Who still has to pay tax under the bright-line test?

If you sell a property within the bright line and the property isn’t:

  • Your main home, or
  • An inherited property.

Then you need to pay income tax on any gain you’ve made, but there are other fishhooks.

Here are a few examples where people accidentally had to pay under the bright-line test:

#1 Repeatedly buying and selling when it’s your main home 

Bob and Billy are gung-ho renovations-focused investors. 

Recently, they’ve been buying houses, living in them, and selling for a profit. 

They’re taking advantage of the rules where you don’t have to pay tax on your main home. 

For instance, they bought a cheap house that needed some love. They lived there during the renovations and sold it for a $50,000 gain within three months. 

Since it was classed as their “main residence”, Billy and Bob didn’t pay tax. 

But while your main home is exempt … you can only use the exemption twice within two years. 

This means as Bob and Billy continued buying and selling “their own home”, the IRD soon began to notice. 

For their second property, Billy spent six months renovating it and sold it for an $80,000 gain. Again, they avoided tax by using the main home exemption. 

Then, they bought another property, renovated it, and sold it within three months. 

They made a $40,000 gain. However, this time they received an unexpected call from the IRD, demanding their share of the profit. 

The IRD said their pattern of buying and selling properties indicated a profit-making intention, which meant they were now liable for taxes on their gains. 

So, Bob and Billy were required to pay taxes on the $40,000 they made on their last property. With a tax rate of 33%, they owed the IRD $13,200.

#2 Turning your home into a rental

Before the 2021 changes to the bright-line test, a property was your main home if you lived in it more than 50% of the time.

So, if you lived in it for 2.5 years and rented it out for 1.5 years, you wouldn’t have to pay any tax. This is no longer the case.

It’s called the “change-of-use” rule. If an owner chooses not to live in the property for over 12 months the “main home exemption” doesn’t fully apply to you.

Let's say Jo had a property when there was a 10-year bright-line test. She chose to rent out the property for two years while she was on her OE.

She decided to sell the property after owning it for 6 years (at the time, that was within the bright-line test).

Since it was a rental for a third of the time, she had to pay tax on a third of the gain.

Put simply, she will now pay tax on the two years it was a rental.

#3 Moving properties between entities

Property investors often get caught when properties are moved between entities.

Investors usually sell their property between entities (e.g. trusts and companies) when trying to minimise their tax.

For example, an investor might sell a property from their own name into a Look-Through Company. But you can still be caught under the bright-line test this way.

Rob bought an investment property for $500k. A year later, he wants to refinance by selling it to a Look-Through Company. Rob sells it to himself for $600k.

Because he sold within 2 years, he still needs to pay tax on the perceived capital gain of $100k.

It doesn’t matter that Rob owns the company. In the IRD’s eyes, the property is still changing hands.

This is why property investors often wait until the bright-line period has expired. Then, they move properties between entities.

#4 Resetting the bright-line period

Let’s say you want to transfer a property from your own name to your family trust.

You’re outside the bright-line test, so you didn’t get caught like Rob did in the previous example.

But that resets the bright-line test.

Let’s say you bought an investment property in 2016 and sold it to your family trust in 2021.

You’re outside the bright-line test, so you don’t pay tax. But because the property has now changed hands, the bright-line test resets.

Yes, even though you have – in effect – just sold it to yourself. This means you now need to wait another 2 years before you are outside the bright-line.

#5 Developers, builders and traders

Developers, property traders and builders all get tougher rules under the bright-line test. They are “tainted”.

So if you are involved with:

  • property trading
  • development or
  • buying-and-flipping

You may still need to pay tax on your capital gains (even if you are outside the normal bright-line test).

In this case, do yourself a favour and talk to a property accountant. Ask them whether you need to pay tax on your property sales. You don’t want to receive a call from the IRD asking you to pay a 5-figure tax bill.

What are the main takeaways from this article?

This article will give you a sense of how complicated property tax can be in New Zealand.

There are rules, and then there are exemptions (and exceptions) to those rules. And then there is how those rules are interpreted. This is why you must consult a property tax accountant and lawyer when buying property.

If you are looking for a property accountant, you might like to talk to our team at Opes Mortgages.

Ed solo

Ed McKnight

Our Resident Economist, with a GradDipEcon and over five years at Opes Partners, is a trusted contributor to NZ Property Investor, Informed Investor, Stuff, Business Desk, and OneRoof.

Ed, our Resident Economist, is equipped with a GradDipEcon, a GradCertStratMgmt, BMus, and over five years of experience as Opes Partners' economist. His expertise in economics has led him to contribute articles to reputable publications like NZ Property Investor, Informed Investor, OneRoof, Stuff, and Business Desk. You might have also seen him share his insights on television programs such as The Project and Breakfast.

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